Tableau Set Actions: a roundup

I’ve been using Tableau for 11 years. In all that time I have not seen a feature inspire our community so deeply and immediately as Set Actions. With this single feature, Tableau’s community has been given true super powers. They are being used to create endless new ideas for interactivity.

Dip in and enjoy! Any of these will show how amazing features energise our unique community:

Enhanced Interactivity and Highlighting

Icons that changes to show inclusion/exclusion in filters

Deeper Analytics

Reference lines and colors change as you click

Showing and hiding data

Show summary or underlying data with just a click

Maths and Games In Tableau?

Yes: interactive games in Tableau!

Do you fancy playing a fully functioning Buzz Wire game? Or a dot-to-dot? Ken Flerlage and Alexander Waleczek created one for you.

Shin Murikami built an interactive Pascal Triangle.


Finally, our very own Bethany Lyons has a post on about Set Actions, and she delivered the a session at TC18, all about Set Actions.

She’s done even more: Art of the Vizable is a collaboration with Craig Bloodworth contains a smorgasbord of ideas, each with a workbook and a video tutorial 

Try them out for yourself

By now, I’m sure you’re ready to try them out for yourself. In which case, I recommend you have a go at Ann Jackson’s #WorkoutWednesday which involves this feature.

And finally, if you want to follow the conversation, there’s even a dedicated hashtag on Twitter: #SetActions. There are more ingenious ideas appearing daily.

Go and do great things with Sets!

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