How do you visualize time? A line chart with time on the x-axis, right? We do this unthinkingly, but have you stopped to consider why we default to using an x-axis? Or more generally, the very “direction” of time itself? I find this topic fascinating and since just about everyone has time in their data, it’s relevant to Tableau. After reading these links, you’ll think differently every time you see or build a line chart!
History on the line (Stephen Boyd Davies, 30min read)
I’m a dataviz history nerd, and this (long) article explores cultural directions of time, with particular focus on the first ever horizontal timeline chart, Carte Chronoraphique, by Jacque Barbeu Dubourg. This was a 16.5m (54ft) long chart of human history. It was literally ground zero for the timeline: the first time anyone put time on an x-axis. If you’re at all into the history of our field, I cannot recommend enough that you make the time to read it.
The language you speak changes your perception of time (, 10min read)
If you show Spanish and Swedish people animated lines that lengthen at different speeds, the Spanish can perceive the different rates, but Swedes cannot. Why? Because the two culture perceive time differently (Spaniards see time as “volume”, Swedes as “length”). Does this apply to animations in dataviz? Do different culture see timelines differently? That would be fun to research…
New Ways to Visualize Time (, 5min read)
I don’t normally plug Tableau in this column, especially not my own work, but visualising time is one of the fundamental things Tableau users do. If they stick to timelines, they will miss valuable insight. The whitepaper shows different ways to visualize time: everyone exploring data should look at data from as many different angles as possible to find and articulate the best insight.
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