Design Tricks for Great Dashboards: Resources


As part of the dashboarding series of webinars for Tableau, I presented “Design Tricks for Great Dashboards“. I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know your thoughts below or on twitter (@acotgreave)

Here is the list of resources and ideas I mentioned in the talk.


The books I used for inspiration are:


Further reading on the design principles

Dashboards and visualizations

Mike Cisneros’ Oil v Gold masterpiece

Subscriber Churn from Big Book of Dashboards

Jacob Olsufka’s Energy in America dashboard

Elena Hristozova’s National Student Survey analysis

Accenture’s RBS 6 Nations score trackers

Michael “Framing Master” Mixon

Transportation Reports by David Krupp


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Dear Mr. Cotgreave,
Thank you for the great webinar on 11/7/17. Could you please add the link to CTT Wireless dashboard as well? I think I liked it best out of all the dashboards presented in this session.

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