What Is a 3-Minute Win?

The 3-minute win is a simple concept: Start from scratch. Build something useful. Do it quickly.

Anyone who builds data dashboards is invited to submit a 3-minute win video to be featured on this site. If your video complies with the rules, we’ll post it. We’re happy to include a link to your company or your personal blog along with the video. 

What are the rules?

  1. The video must be no more than 3 minutes long.
  2. Your dashboard must start with an empty canvas. However, your data can already be loaded in. 
  3. No fast-forwarding or jump cuts in the video. This is real-time or bust.
  4. In 3 minutes or less, build a useful data dashboard from scratch. 

How do I tell you about it?

Email social@tableausoftware.com with a link to your video on YouTube, Vimeo or another video service. Or tweet us a link using #3minwin. Or post it on Instagram using #3minwin. Or post it on YouTube using #3minwin. 

If you want us to link to a particular website when we post your video, please send social@tableausoftware.com an email with those details. 

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