part 4: Well, *I* was a fan before you!

This is the final post in my scrobbling analysis. (click here for parts one, two  and three) Did you ever have the conversation that went “yeah, I know you like that band, but you know something, *I* was listening to that album way before you”. Well, now we have the data to see if that’s true or not.

In the viz below, I selected some of the albums that everyone in my data listened to. Check out the Feist album: Ben got obsessed with it way back in 2008 and hasn’t listened to it since. The rest of us: we’re playing catch-up.

Compare that to Hot Chip: Ben and HyperMusicX have pretty much listened to it as much as each other.

Click some of the other albums to see other interesting listening trends.

[sb name=”LastFmListeningHistory”]

Want more? Click here for parts onetwo , and three)

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